Welcome to the Cecil Ross Homepage

Updated 05/10/15

Contact: cecil@cecilross.com

12851 Madison Ave. NE, Bainbridge Island WA 98110 - Phone: 206-780-9110

Tree Sculptures
New 2015 Series!
Art Furniture
Art and Sculpture
Current Work
Construction Notebook
Show/Gallery Schedule
Public Art
Arts/Crafts/Mission Era
Commission Pieces



Website Link
Jude Ross www.judeross.com
Rain Ross www.rainross.com
BI Working Studios www.biworkingstudios.com
Ed Angell www.edangell.com




Cecil Ross
12851 Madison Avenue. NE, Bainbridge Island WA 98110
Telephone: 206-780-9110 e-mail: cecil@cecilross.com